Stakeholder and community engagement training
In today’s business environment engaging effectively with the community and key stakeholders can mean the difference between success and failure. Unfortunately, too many businesses seem to consider stakeholder engagement as simply giving the appearance of meaningful consultation in order to achieve a pre-determined objective. Sadly, there are any number of examples where this has resulted in otherwise good companies being rightfully accused of secrecy and for taking community approval for granted. Whenever enterprise has a noticeable impact on community life – visually, environmentally, socially or economically – stakeholder engagement becomes a necessary part of doing business. But its not all[...]
Social media management
Social media is an important engagement tool for community-building, informing followers of news and campaigns, and receiving direct feedback. Done well, this improves brand awareness and loyalty. However, a social media presence also brings reputational risks, and can be time consuming to manage. Timmins Ray can help with every aspect of your social media management, including developing your social strategy, guidance on which platforms to use, employee guidelines and activation, executive team positioning, account privacy, content development, competitions and promotions, moderation and community management.
Dealing with government
Dealing with governments can be critical to the success of your business in all sorts of ways. However, the challenges of successfully navigating the nuances of government – whether at federal, state or local level – can be complex as well as frustrating to those who don’t have a good understanding of how government works. Our training program is designed to teach you the basics of dealing with government at all levels. Most of all, it will teach you how to achieve the right outcome by understanding how the decision-making process works, including who to reach and with what information. Government decision-making[...]
Crisis and issues management training
Good decision making in a crisis is critical. That’s because poor decision making can destroy careers and cause irreparable damage to a business. We teach you the four rules of effective crisis management which, if followed, will minimise the impact on you and your business. We also conduct simulated crisis training exercises to ‘pressure test’ your preparedness for a crisis and to ensure you develop the skills you need should the worst ever happen. Such exercises help fine tune responsibilities and actions, as well as test the capacity of people to work effectively under extreme pressure. It’s too late to[...]
Presentation training
The ability to speak with confidence and clarity to a group of people – irrespective of who they are – and to capture and hold their attention is a priceless life-skill that can set you apart from the crowd. And if you aspire to climb the management ladder or build a powerful public profile, the ability to effectively engage an audience is an essential career skill. Just how effective you can become at engaging with people and holding their interest may well determine how successful you are in your career. There are some essential requirements to becoming a good[...]